Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie The Bunny - 1263 Words
Imagine yourself as a little bunny in a world where you can be anything you dream of being, and the thing you dream to be is a cop. But there has never been a bunny cop before so most people are against you fulfilling your dream. This is the beginning of a very important scene in Zootopia. Judy is at a fair telling her parents how she will become the first bunny cop. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she sees her friends getting bullied by a fox, a predator. Judy runs over to help stand up for her friends but whenever she steps in to help, Gideon, the fox, continues to put her down. He says, â€Å"What crazy world are you living in where you think a bunny could be a cop?†Gideon tells her to come get the tickets he stole from her friends, but she needs to be careful because predator use to eat prey and that killer instinct is still in their DNA. Judy tells him she isn’t scared so he pushes her down to the ground and scratches her face. At the end of the scene, Judy go t up and said she doesn’t know when to give up, and she put her cop hat back on. At first glance, this scene seems to be about an animal getting put down by another but instead of letting it hurt her, it became a motivation for her to achieve her dreams in the next scene. After looking at this scene through the filmic elements of shots and camera angle, we can see how this scene is really speaking to the fear of going outside of social norms which is something Cohen discusses. Using DiAngelo we can use the idea ofShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Space Jam1342 Words  | 6 PagesAmerican Studies Popular Culture Analysis There has never been a time when popular culture has been more pervasive and influential in American society. With advances in technology and creative innovation, outlets for popular culture have expanded greatly and are virtually innumerable. 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